Monday, February 28, 2011

Why Magpie Rules?

Magpie is one of my daughter's many nicknames. My sister came up with it when she was an infant and I love it because it's a dual reference to both my child and myself. Like many parents, my husband and I are pretty proud of our kid, hence Magpie Rules. Again like many parents, we find that she controls much of our lives - Magpie's Rules. Finally, we attempt to control (perhaps guide?) her, and come up even more Magpie Rules. So works in a number of ways.

But mostly, I needed to come up with a name for this blog and didn't want it to be so specific that it tied the content to any one thing. We have a lot going on that I hope to document here (and I do mean document in the barest sense - anyone who knows my Picasa record won't expect much!) Perhaps I went too general, but as I expect a sum total of fewer than ten follows, mostly comprised of family and friends abroad, I don't expect it to affect my readership.

What do I hope to document? Well, there's the family. And then there's food (novel, right?) And there's this really cool farming thing that we do - in all honesty, that's the one I'm really hoping to capture. But there may be more if I just be disciplined about the writing part. Photos, well, that may be too much to hope for...but goals are good, right?

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